Ubuntu Operating System Related Skills
System Backup, Restore, and Clone
- ucloner: Backup/restore/clone your Ubuntu, and make Live-Ubuntu.
File Management
- krusader: Twin panel file management for your desktop. Similar to TotalCommander for Windows.
Support filesystem type 'exfat'
You need to install ExFat support in Ubuntu. You can do that by simply running the following commands: sudo apt-add-repository ppa:relan/exfat sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install fuse-exfat
How to install Adobe Reader on Ubuntu 12.04
sudo apt-add-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install acroread
Install Request Ticket on Ubuntu 12.04
sudo apt-get install request-tracker3.8 rt3.8*
Intall Bitnami-Redmine-2.0.3-1
Recover Bitnami-Redmine from to 2.0.3-1
1. cp old backed attachments to ~/redmine-2.0.3-1/apps/redmine/htdocs/files/ 2. replace new password by backed passwd of ~/redmine-2.0.3-1/apps/redmine/htdocs/config/database.yml 3. start mysql: ~/redmine-2.0.3-1$ ./mysql/bin/mysql -u root -p 4. delete database: drop database bitnami_redmine; 5. create database: create database bitnami_redmine; 6. grant all privileges: grant all privileges on bitnami_redmine.* to 'bitnami'@'localhost' identified by 'BITNAMI_USER_PASSWORD'; 7. flush privileges: flush privileges; 8. exit mysql: exit; 9. import database: ~/redmine-2.0.3-1$ ./mysql/bin/mysql -u root -p bitnami_redmine < redmine_backup.sql 10. cd ~/redmine-2.0.3-1/apps/redmine/htdocs 11. ../../../ruby/bin/rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production 12. ../../../ruby/bin/rake db:migrate:upgrade_plugin_migrations RAILS_ENV=production 13. ../../../ruby/bin/rake db:migrate_plugins RAILS_ENV=production 14. ./ctlscript.sh start
- Impress Presentation Templates: IBM's repository Modern Impress Templates LibreOffice Templates Center
Request Ticket
Install Request Ticket on Ubuntu 12.04
sudo apt-get install request-tracker3.8 rt3.8*
Bitnami Serials Software
- concrete5 最好的开源CMS系统,可以用于创建网站
- Redmine 项目管理系统
- Tracks 个人GTD系统
- ownCloud 私有云
- Pootle 在线翻译管理系统
- LimeSurvey 在线投票系统
- Gitorious 私人Github
Linux Skills
How to link Windows Shared Directory from Linux?
sudo mount -t cifs -o username=yourname,passwd='yourpasswd' //ipaddcrss/shareddir /mnt/samba
Useful Commands Collection
Modify dir can read, write, and excute only by owner
chmod -R 700 dirpath
Stat shell running time
date_start=`date|awk -F"[ :]" '{print $4*3600 + $5*60 +$6}' your shells date_end=`date|awk -F"[ :]" '{print $4*3600 + $5*60 +$6}'` time=`expr "$date_end" - "$date_start"` echo "the whole process takes $time seconds"
Multi-thread downloading
lftp -c 'pget -n 10 your-file-path'
Check and kill port
netstat -anp netstat -anp | grep 9312 tcp 0 0* LISTEN 11902/searchd kill -9 11902
Transfer Dos File into Linux Format. Dos File has 0d0a problem, should be replaced into 0a
tr -d '\r' < all.en.txt > all.en.txt.dos2unix
count word frequency
filename=$1 tr " \011" "\012\012" < $filename |sort |uniq -c|sort -nr
【转】强大的shell-计算文件中单词出现次数并按次数排序 当亲身使用了shell,方能体会其强大。之前我发表过一篇关于统计文件中单词出现次数,并按次数排序的c++程序,这可是当时微软和百度的笔试题目。而用shell实现该功能却只需要一句:tr " \011" "\012\012" < $filename |tr -dc "[a-z][A-Z]\012" |sort |uniq -c|sort -nr 下面是源程序: #!/bin/sh set -x echo "enter the filename " read filename tr " \011" "\012\012" < $filename |tr -dc "[a-z][A-Z]\012" |sort |uniq -c|sort -nr set +x 在这里用到了tr,sort,uniq三个过滤器以及管道,流重定向。 tr " \011" "\012\012" < $filename 读入文件filename,并将空格和tab(\011)转换为回车(\012) tr -dc "[a-z][A-Z]\012" 删除文件中非字母以及回车的其他字符(-c按条件取反,-d删除) sort 对单词排序 uniq –c 统计单词出现的次数(-c输出重复次数) sort –nr对单词出现的次数排序(-r逆序,-n按照数值比较排序)
fast scan clockwise combine book
for((i=1706;i<=1780;i++)); do wget http://address/img0$i.pdf; done for((i=1688;i<=1780;i++)); do pdftk img0$i.pdf cat 1E output convert/img0$i-2.pdf; done pdftk *.pdf cat output combined.pdf
delete comments of all c++ files in specific folder
#!/bin/bash #delcomment.sh function: this shell script delete the comment in c/c++ source file function del_comment_file() { #delete the comment line begin with '//comment' sed -i "/^[ \t]*\/\//d" $file #delete the commnet line end with '//comment' sed -i "s/\/\/[^\"]*//" $file #delete the comment only occupied one line '/* commnet */' sed -i "s/\/\*.*\*\///" $file #delete the comment that occupied many lines '/*comment # *comment # # */ sed -i "/^[ \t]*\/\*/,/.*\*\//d" $file } function del_comment() { for file in `ls `; do case $file in *.c) del_comment_file ;; *.cpp) del_comment_file ;; *.h) del_comment_file ;; *) if [ -d $file ]; then cd $file del_comment cd .. fi ;; esac done } DIR=$1 if [ ! -e $DIR ]; then echo "The file or directory does not exist." exit 1; fi if [ -f $DIR ]; then file=`basename $DIR` if [[ `echo $DIR | grep /` == $DIR ]]; then cd `echo $DIR | sed -e "s/$file//"` del_comment_file else del_comment_file fi exit 0; fi if [ -d $DIR ]; then cd $DIR del_comment exit 0; fi
Last modified: 五 1 17 12:41:19 2014